An application nudging behaviour in favor of health
For my first project at Ravensbourne University I was assigned the challenge to create an application to improve the mental well being of financial service workers of London. In addition to this the aim of the application was to nudge the behaviour of the users towards a more healthy and lasting behaviour. Through the research process I decided to answer the following problem statement: What opportunities are there to improve financial workers physical health without getting in the way of their busy schedule and thereby improve their mental wellbeing?
This was one of my first projects being introduced to app design and I loved every step of the process. As financial workers are very busy people there was a big challenge in finding people who had time for interviews however I overcame that challenge by using various online sources and chat functions to reach my target group. One strong take away I had from this project was the realisation of the realistic magnitude of my ideas. While they seem doable when thinking of, they might be too extensive in real life. Because of this realisation I now focus on always creating a MVP to then expand it if needed.